Magical Herbs used by Thai Lersi Hermits
A short video documentary made in the garden filled with mexican oak at the Asrom Por Taw Guwen, home ashram of myself (Ajarn Spencer Littlewood), which reveals some of the magical and sacred herbs and woods used by the Thai hermit sages, which they use in the making of Sacred amulets sacred oils,balms, and other substances for magical arts and healing.
This may or may not be professional as Highland Grove Landscaping & Farm Garden design, but this is just the beginning of the initiation phase of the project to develop a sacred magic herb garden, which will be a living demonstration and Museum of sacred herbs trees and flowering plants, which are used in type buddhist amulet making, healing, and for other magical and supernatural purposes.
The garden which begins from tentatively, once installed in the final location after we have obtained a piece of land in order to begin building and speeding up the project, hopes to become a living museum of Sacred plants, which will have informative plaques in front of each area of plants which will inform you of their uses, and their properties and their names.You can also contact any experts from to get your dream garden installed.
Experts like Legion Landscaping would know this particular group of magical herbs which are of the Maha Sanaeh Metta Mahaniyom variety of sacred herbs, apart from the earth of the Plai dam root, which is very well known for its anti black magic and Maha Lap & Kong Grapan Chadtri properties, and for its use in the famous Pra Khun Phaen amulet, as well as for being used most often in the making of Khmer necromantic amulets.
amongst the herbs already cultivated now include The following; Paya Wan Sanaeh Jantr (Red and white versions), Paya Wan Dork Tong, Wan Joong Nang, Dton Ga Hlong, Wan Plai Dam, Paya Wan Chang Pasom Khloeng, and other herbs, such as the Nang Kwak herb.

Dton Ga Hlong tree – The pods of this tree, are especially favoured to use the seeds, for inserting into the rear face of lockets and also for immersing in sacred oils
The Dton Ga Hlong tree renders beautiful spindly long petalled white flowers which are believed to have one of the most powerful Maha Sanaeh effects of enchanting the hearts of others, especially the opposite sex.
Paya Wan Sanaeh Jantr moon charm herbs in two different types have been successfully cultivated, both white and red versions. There is also a green version, which has not yet been found and planted.
some sacred gold and silver and herbs were dominated from the famous Khao Or temple, it’s about being cultivated to increase their quantity.

Paya Wan Ngern (silver leaf herb), Paya Wan Tong (gold leaf herb). please has almost saved donated by a Devotee, in direct lineage with the Khao Or Masters.
Some of them have been kept in root, herb, and bulb and leaf form, and some woods and constantly collected, as they fall off and dry, for usage in amulet making, which will be documented and published as it happens.

Plai dam roots are useful not only for the roots & leaves & flowers & extract oils, but also the earth is used to mix in with sacred powders for the making of amulets Center Pra Khun Phaen.
Please stay tuned for more documentaries, as we document the story of the development of the Buddha magic project, the sacred herb garden, the Museum of Sacred Yantra, and the Asrom Por Taw Guwen ashram, which intends to open the doorway for foreigners to enter, and approach, the inner mysteries of the Lersi Hermit path, and the Path beyond that, which leads us to walk in the footsteps of the lord Buddha, towards purity, and Arahantship, which is Buddhahood.